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Poultry equipment

We will try to help you by aggregating the content that can help you when you set up your cluster. What do we have to pay attention to when we’re building our cluster? How is poultry cleaning done? What are the security considerations in the cluster? How to protect our cluster from pests and such […]

All Information About The Sulmtaler Chicken Breed


It is a rare breed of chicken from the Styrian region of Austria, which dates back to ancient history. Well-fed Sulmater chickens, which are well-fed between their forests and vineyards in the Styrian region, are famous for their rounded, muscular body and outstanding quality of meat. There are a few hobbies in Turkey. One of […]

Wyandotte extensive information about chickens


Extensive information about Wyandotte chickens Wyandotte was first known as the American Sebright chicken on the American continent. The Wyandotte was originally a breed known and fed by the Native Americans of North America. Wyandotte makes eggs as light coffee and partly white cilia on it. Large bodies, yellow meat, anodised structure (Gurk period passes […]

Light Brahma Chicken


The history of Brahma chicken: it is a chicken species belonging to the “Brahmaputra” region of India. The Brahmins are believed to be closely related to a forest chicken (Gallus Gigantus) and Cochin. The first Brahma was brought from India to America in 1846. The Brahma brought to the United States was first used in […]

Turkish Denizli Chicken

denizli horozu denizli tavuğu hakkında tüm bilgiler

All Information About Denizli Chicken / Rooster Denizli Rooster, Denizli province specific, local Rooster race. Long and harmonious with the song is separated from other races. It is a self-generated race with the choice of long-spreading rooster for raising the local population. It is claimed that the long euthanized Berat Rooster brought from Albania during […]

Features Of Appenzeller Chickens


The Appenzeller chicken is the Swiss National chicken breed. The Appenzeller chickens are two varieties. It is a chicken named after the Appenzeller region of Switzerland and looked at in clusters as peculiar to that region. After being brought to America by a Swiss doctor, his reputation has increased and his distinctive features have been […]

Wyandotte The World of Chickens


Wyandotte was an American breed and chicken developed in the 1870s. He was chosen from the native Wyandot people in North America. Wyandotte is a dual-purpose race for brown eggs and yellow-skinned flesh. It is a popular bird and has many color variants. Originally known as the American Sebright. history Wyandotte was founded in the […]

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