Light-brown-buff-Red-specked-silver-white and Coronation Sussex chicken varieties
Sussex chickens, M.He. It is thought that they were first raised in England when they were under the MS invasion of 43 (thought to be one of the oldest known breeds). In fact, Sussex was bred as a chicken with a good image, and in the past, this thought changed and changed as chicken fed for meat and eggs. Original brown, red-specked, silver and light Sussex. Sussexler was nurtured in the past as ornamental chickens, but today Light Sussex has changed this situation. Sussex is the most preferred and known type in our country and worldwide.
Today, it has become the preferred chicken species for its visuals by many people. Sussex chickens have been used as effective pure in chicken industrialization.
About Yield
They are famous for their large bodies. It is an ideal chicken for meat. They make eggs in 6 months and pruning is an effective feature among poultry. They grow very quickly and the male female separation occurs. They’re pretty ambitious about eggs. Egg color coffee-light coffee and light seaweed color close to the eggs are seen.
Annual Egg: 250-300
Weights: varies between 3-4 kg.